Chaos, Beer and Ash
Sorry. I have abandoned you another time. But chaos absorbed completely my life. It's awful and marvellous.
About job... Now I'm trapped in the stage which ends the course I've attended in Milan, but it's not very useful. The period is not the right one, the firm is not the right one, the coworkers - or the costagists, to tell the truth - are not the right ones. It seems a strange kind of tale.
Then I got a lot of proposal for the future... in the press graphics of course. But the nicest one regards a place as video game tester in Frankfurt. Tomorrow I will go there, and hope they will decide they want me to work there. I want to change place, to know different people, to understand a new language, to gain money, to live on my own.
In this period of great confusion, many things happen.

And today... I finally met a friend of mine... one of those friend I never met before. He wrote the features I translated for the mag where I worked. He's great. I even was able to chat a few. Perhaps his beer (I almost finished his beer) helped me to find courage to speak even if I haven't the right word on "the point of the tongue" as we Italian say.
I hope to see him soon.
And to find the time to write here sometimes, of course!!
Your life is going through so many changes! Do let us know if you get the job in Frankfurt!
06 July, 2005 17:10
Hello. I was going through looking at different blogs on ##link##. Didn't quite find it, but no worries. Had a good read anyway. I really enjoy reading well done blogs and sites. When time permits, I'll plan on coming back and seeing what you've added. Have a good day.
23 December, 2005 06:14
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