About Happiness Or Chaos Or Childhood

My theatre-teacher says I always make sad characters. When I am able to be more joyous, I must put a bit of pulp in it. I.e. the lady that says the dad-to-be ... <
Why am I so tragic and sad when I try to act (even if it is improvization, it's a way of playing, I suppose)?
I feel myself a joyous people. A little melanchonic, especially in this period, but full of hopes.
What stops me? What stops my skill to be happy on the scene - or patinoire, as we improviser call the acting scene?
It cannot be only the need to sleep... I know I am tired, 300 km or a bit more by car in a day, a 5 hour lesson in Milan and so on are quite heavy... but there must be something more.
Why I ask you that?
Because you don't know me so much, but you have different way to think. I always search for various opinions.
When I was child, the question I made to everybody was "What's wrong about me?". Nobody answered, but everybody continue to avoid me.
Now I learned to make question less strong. But I continue to want to discover my faults, my mistakes, my lacks.
It's a period for questions.... excuse me...
In a certain way, I talked about chaos in my life, about my childhood and about happiness... but not in the exact way I intended to. I'll talk better about them in the next future.
Perhaps it is not so much needing more sleep but needing more happiness. More than your body being tired, perhaps your soul is tired, too.
29 April, 2005 04:53
Actually, I really liked how you tied everything together. And I think it takes much more talent to play a sad character than a happy one. You must be a good actress!
27 May, 2005 21:21
I am quite confused.
I passed the last week end with my improviser-mates in Chianciano (Siena) acting and joking with/against improviser from all Italy. It was great, except for the head-ache I had the first night and the teachers that weren't totally with us. One said me it's better I direct energies in other directions, improvisation is not the only nice thing on this world. But on Wednesday I must do the last match of the year. It's not a nice thing to say. He could have waited four days. He could...
06 June, 2005 03:18
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