I am an Italian girl, a weird dancer, a chaos master.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The German List - Part Two

The list is the same. Just chitchat a little more about the same people.

The French guy is still not able to speak.
I continue to say him perhaps it's better if he speaks French. My French is very bad, but I can understand a lot of things.
A colleague calls him "Pulpo" or "Octopus", because he has got a lot of tentacles.
In facts, last Friday he passed half the night with me...
and half with another colleague. And they kissed themselves.
He doesn´t love me enough.
Maybe it´s better.

The Spanish guy is very interesting. But still haven´t seen him for more than some seconds. The problem is that we do different shifts, and during the week end he is often travelling somewhere.

The Italian guy is even more stupid than I remember. I wrote him an email on Xmas and he reply after two weeks, with the same old sentence... "Let´s be friends!".
I´d like to, but he just showed a lot of times that he´s not such a friend... avoiding informing me when people went in some interesting place, still having a kind of confidence that friends don´t have, forgetting to smile while he greets me...

Don´t have new pretenders. Damn. Maybe my allure is getting worst?
Or simply maybe... I am not in love with anyone, and I feel myself too sad?


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