I hate you so much right now

Oh no, I'm not in heart troubles just like Kelis was when singing this song (now she's so good-looking, but too popular! and too basing everything on her sexuality!).
I do hate Tweety, this yellow bird that says only stupid things (in Italy... "Mi รจ semblato di vedele un gatto" - It seems there's a cat - he transforms r in l... in English perhaps r become v...). I don't know why, but if someones makes me a gift involved with Warner Bros cartoons, there's always Tweety. Cannot they give me a Taz accessory?
I do hate Diddl too, for other reasons. He's not so unkind just like Tweety, but all penpals I had got crazy for his stuff... letter sheets, peluches, pens... everything. I don't like when you must love something to be uniform to a certain class. My Gosh... there are plenty of cartoons, why Diddl? Because he's nice and polite? I'd like to see those shy girls (who doesn't have the courage to see the real world and pass all their time to write letters) when a real white mouse walk by their feets.
Do you know a thing? I prefer Jerry the Mouse.
Uhm, help me out here, please. What are peluches?
06 October, 2004 19:26
I had a real mouse in my old apartment. It was not so cute, believe me.
06 October, 2004 19:27
Garrison... a peluche is a stuffed animal, plush in English I suppose (I looked in my online ex-favorite dictionary, wordreference. I thought this word exists in English too, but I was wrong.
Katie... I don't want to have mice at home... but when I saw a short one, with its round belly, it seems so nice. The problem is that I cannot get near to it... they bring so many viruses!
07 October, 2004 08:59
I understand what you mean... I always hated being included in the "politically correct" style and I do all my best to live my unicity!!!
I like Tom the cat (and not jerry), the Coyote (and not Bebeep) and so on...
And I like those persons who are brave enough to show themselves...
07 October, 2004 14:38
I am a fan of Wile too! And do like Tom, too... Tom couldn't exist without Jerry and vice versa! I do love Animal from Muppets, too! His scream is great!
07 October, 2004 15:52
Thanks for the clarification!
The only cartoon I ever really liked was Calvin & Hobbes but since he stopped drawing it I've not found anything else that entertains me.
07 October, 2004 15:54
I know Calvin & Hobbes... I read some comic-strip on "Cuore", a comics mag that closed 7 or 8 years ago, and some on a school-diary. Sometimes I pip (it means to give a look, doesn't it?) it in comicstores...
Garrison... you suggested me what to talk about in next post... nice thing! I'll talk about the comics I read in this period, about what I love and what I dislike about it. It was a "coup de foudre" but his author did some choices I don't appreciate too much.
If I'll have a few time I'll search for a few material later... but I fear I'll do this tomorrow... or Monday...
Aren't you curious? ;)
07 October, 2004 16:50
I think the word you want is "peek" (to glance or take a quick look). :)
Yes, I'm VERY curious! I will be looking forward to your post!
07 October, 2004 18:25
Found the time to post!
About the verb... I found the word pip on "underground alice", one of the few Eng books I read.
07 October, 2004 18:52
If I'm not mistaken, I think "pip" is more of a British usage. You know how we Americans are, we think we have to change everything. ;)
07 October, 2004 19:09
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