I am an Italian girl, a weird dancer, a chaos master.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Long letters, short posts

Hey you, I'm a lazy girl, you must know it.
I love to read, I love to write, but when I surf the net I'm not in the mood for things that require a lot of time.
When I want to read or to write long pieces, I write a letter. Emails are ok, but true letters, written on a sheet with a pen are the best!
Have you ever tried? It's a fascinating hobby!


Blogger DementedPhotographer said...

I LOVE letters, but no one seems to write them any more. To me, there's nothing more personal than someone taking the time to put pen to paper, even if it is but for a short note.

Hmmmm ... I'll happily write you if you'll write me back.


22 January, 2005 22:15

Blogger marziotta said...

Oh, Garrison, I'd love to read your letters!
I'll send you soon my REAL address by email...
I'm so curious to see how you write!

24 January, 2005 22:09

Blogger dON Lee said...

Not to mention the personal touch? Hand written letters are just so... personal... but also a waste of time.. :P

25 January, 2005 13:14

Blogger marziotta said...

DON LEE... What would be life without any waste of time?
No letters, of course.
No Internet. No music.
No love.
I DO love to waste time!

26 January, 2005 19:08

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22 October, 2005 17:13

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25 October, 2005 15:43

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26 October, 2005 17:14

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15 November, 2005 07:26


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