I'd like my weblog could be visited by tons of visitors. How can I make it become more popular? I have a lot of chances... This is the last one I found, thanks to Garrison (you find the link to his blog on the right, I don't remember the address.

There are also a lottery to gain more visits, and a lot of misterious winners... it sounds weird but is quite funny. You gain credits visiting other blogs, so... the more you peek around, the more extra visitors you'll have. I found a way to waste time while I will not have a job.
(But there are hopes I won't be without it for a long time...)
There are SO many interesting blogs to visit! I have to set a timer and limit how much wandering around I do! I'm sure you'll have many, many more visitors very quickly!
27 October, 2004 19:03
I'd like to have some frequent visitor...
Why did I find you and Katie in the first days, and then noone new came?
I cannot understand...
How did you find me?
28 October, 2004 12:08
I found you by using the blogger search bar. That's actually a pretty good way to find recently updated blogs. The problem with that is you only see Blogger blogs and, here lately, Blogger's servers have been incredibly slow in responding.
I had 356 unique visitors yesterday. From than, 18 different people left comments, but 8 of those were people who were already reading, so only 10 were new. Whether any of those will be back remains to be seen.
28 October, 2004 13:47
Tnx Johnnie, it was so nice you came here! I added you on the visitor bar, obviously.
Garrison... I have not so many access even in my Italian blog, and it has born in March! Visitors come and go... noone lasts...
Tomorrow is the last day at work, I'll have to pack this Mac and leave him forever. I'm trying to install ADSL at home, don't know how much time it will require, so it's possible I'll not visit and add posts to my blog for a while.
Saturday I have my first job meeting. The person who offered the job is not very able to write in Italian, but... it may be a nice job too...
But I hope everything will go OK Tuesday, when I'll go and test my skills in a graphic agency... it's the job i DO want.
28 October, 2004 15:39
I found you by clicking the "next blog" button on the top of the page. I am realizing that most of the blogs out there are not worth reading. Usually when I click on that button, I end up reading something stupid. I was so excited to find yours because it was interesting and I wanted to read more!
Thanks for the blog explosion link - I just went and signed up!
28 October, 2004 16:02
Katie... you're right, surfing with blogger always shows only almost empty blogs... to surf blog explosion is more exciting... and gives the real opportunity to be seen!
Toni... I'm still looking at a major topic for my blog... but it's difficult, I wait for something to happen that tell what to do what to write about.
In my Italian blog I understood very soon that I had to make researches about what I read in books... it's a way to talk about so many arguments, but often they're so weird noone speak about them.
This thing can happen in Italy, where blog and web diffusion is not so widely spread as in English speaking countries.
Hope I'll find a regular audience... and hope I won't lose it if I won't post next days...
28 October, 2004 16:35
Hi Marziotta,
Thanks for visiting my blog at Upgrade Your Mind. Yes, BlogExplosion is very nice in getting traffic, finding new and interesting blogs and building new connections.
Realize that you can buy traffic also. $5 for 500, $9 for 1000 and so on. Click the buy advertising link in your sign in at BE.
This is great because you can purchase many more credits than you can ever have time to earn through surfing the BE network. For me, this has made surfing the network more relaxing and enjoyable. At first I found myself concentrating more on earning credits. Now I concentrate more on finding, reading and commenting on the various interesting blogs out there. No more time pressure to surf for credits.
This method works for me. I look forward to my surf time on BE!
God Bless,
T. L. Pakii Pierce
Think Well & Finish Strong!
Upgrade Your Mind
Upgrade Your Mind and Your Life with the Power of Positive Thinking and Accelerated Learning
28 October, 2004 22:03
I'll confess you a secret... I like to surf blogs on BE! And don't do it if I don't want to only to get credits. The true thing I do to find new visitors is to leave a sign, to comment somewhere. I'm sure that many people use BE to see more comments, and if they see mine probably they'll come back.
When I do this surfing on the nextblog in the blogger bar, no one replies me. When I do this on BE, someone does.
BE makes difference even if I don't buy credits!
And if I help BE commenting all around BE blogs, it makes difference much more!
29 October, 2004 09:08
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