I am an Italian girl, a weird dancer, a chaos master.

Monday, January 31, 2005

The sad path between boredom and spying

Today I did absolutely nothing at work. I asked my chief for something to do, but all there was for me was spying my coworkers. It's an interesting thing, at least I learn something, while I don't learn a lot when I'm working in that office without any help; but it's frustrating to sit behind a person and control each movement he/she does.
I know how I hate when someone is watching at me while I'm working. I just feel controlled and work worst.
So, this kind of activity risks to worsen:
1. the job of the agency;
2. my importance in the agency;
3. my popularity among the colleagues.
I've got only one way. To go on my seat, and stay there, looking my email.
I'll continue to spy, because just sitting is not what I need. I need to learn, DAMN!

PS If you know some good and simple English site to learn something about graphics (web especially) please tell me it! I'm trying to learn something from Italian ones, but to have other sources is very important.


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