Alone In Milan

This morning I got up quite early, before 7 a.m.. I had to go to Milan! Why?
You know I sent tons of cv's around the globe (only in Northern Italy, I must admit). I partecipated to a selection as tourist entertainer in the afternoon. I failed because I am not very sporty, I said I am in the graphician field (had I to lie?) and I am too empathic with children.
While in the morning I went to a place where they organize a course+stage on ICT. It's free. You must know, when I hear the word free something weird happens in my mind and I must appreciate and enjoy the free thing/subject/book/course/drink/anything-else-on-this-world.
I think they organized it in a very short lack of time. They know the 9 subjects they will teach, but don't have a definite program yet.
The course must start on next Monday. I'm interested on this thing, I am sure it would be useful to complete my job skills, but if I won't have a program to control, it will be difficult to accept. I must spend there 600 hours of my life, making 21x2x5=210 rail and metro commutings. Other 900 hours. I want to know how I spend them.
Yesterday and today were snowy! It was soooo cold, and I spent all day long walking alone in Milan